Why India is neglecting starting new Public Sector Steel Units for production of Steel? Though as per the above 2017 World Steel Production data, India ranks third in World Steel Production, still India is nowhere when compared to China, which is producing more than half of World's Steel.
China still produces Steel Output which is Greater than Rest of the World Countries.
China's Steel Production Trends in 21st Century|in Million Tonnes 2000|128 2001|151 2002|182 2003|222 2004|282 2005|355 2006|421 2007|489 2008|512 2009|577 2010|638 2011|701 2012|731 2013|822 2014|822 2015|803 2016|808 2017|831 2018Oct|617
Recent slight downtrends are attributable to Recessionary Tendenicies in the Rest of the World, which affected Chinese Exports.
Nos. 2 and 3 places
Though Japan and INdia appear to be close to one another at No. 2 and 3 places, we have to keep in mind the comparative geographical sizes and population sizes of Japan and India. For its geographical and population size, India should produce far, far more than what Japan produces.Nos. 3rd and 4th places, India and USA
Though there is a gap of about 20 million tonnes between NO. 3 India, and the NO. 4 U.S.A., we have to keep in mind that U.S.A. wants to rule the world like an Emperor or a Tyrant Dictator. Then, how can it neglect its Steel Industry?
Above data for easy downloading, is given below in .txt form:
Indian Steel Industry Production Trends|: Crude Steel in Million Tonnes. 2000-01|29 2001-02|30 2002-03|35 2003-04|38 2004-05|43 2005-06|46 2006-07|50 2007-08|53 2008-09|54 2009-10|65 2010-11|70 2011-12|74 2012-13|78 2013-14|81 2014-15|88.9 2015-16|89.7 2016-17|97.4 2017-18|101.2
Though the above graph shows that there are no downtrends in output, when compared to the bursting population of this country, the Housing needs for Steel owing to extra-ordinary urbanisation taking place in this country, it is difficult to regard this progress as commensurate or proportionate. Besides, India is importing Steel. It is exporting "Iron Ore". This is a strange paradox.
China and India, Steel Production Comparison
For easy reference to relative data, it is reproduced below:
Indian Steel Industry Production Trends|: Crude Steel in Million Tonnes. 2000-01|29|128 2001-02|30|151 2002-03|35|182 2003-04|38|222 2004-05|43|282 2005-06|46|355 2006-07|50|421 2007-08|53|489 2008-09|54|512 2009-10|65|577 2010-11|70|638 2011-12|74|701 2012-13|78|731 2013-14|81|822 2014-15|88.9|822 2015-16|89.7|803 2016-17|97.4|808 2017-18|101.2|831
To continue adding / deleting / modifying.
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